FMDA's 2010 Annual Conference
Annual Awards Luncheon
FMDA President Dr. Hugh Thomas (from left) with poster presenters Nancy Thompson, Dr. Kenya Rivas, Jennifer Hartman, Bryan Allen, Dr. Marlene Aramburu, and Charlene Demers, GNP-BC
FMDA President Dr. Hugh Thomas (right) with first-place poster presenter winner Charlene Demers, GNP-BC
FMDA President Dr. Hugh Thomas (right) presents FMDA Directors Dr. Rhonda Randall with a plaque in appreciation of her contribution to FMDA’s 2010 strategic planning process.
FMDA President Dr. Hugh Thomas (right) presents a plaque to the Florida Chapter of the American Society of Consultants Pharmacists (from left), represented by their executive director, Brad Kile, past-president Daniel Seckler, and President Janet Dallman
FOMA 2nd vice president, Dr. Hal Pineless, offers greetings from the Florida Osteopathic Medical Association.
Annual luncheon speaker Dr. Michael Gloth gives a lecture on metabolic bone diseases in older adults.